Request A Free Integration Assessment
The best way to find out if any of the integration options we may provide value to your business and/or your eCommerce activities is to schedule a No Obligation Free Integration Assessment. We will discuss your current processes – manual or automated – and establish if and how you may be able improve these to realise efficiencies and gains, which can result in significant savings in time and cost for you and your business. You will then be in a better position to make a decision regarding integration for your business.
If you’re not ready to book a call just yet, feel free to request a copy of our FREE eBook titled
“The Integrated eCommerce Roadmap”

How the Free Integration Assessment Works?
Once you have booked a Free Integration Assessment [FIA] we will review which systems you currently operate in your business, including getting an understanding of any customisations currently in place. We will get an understanding of what your future plans are for your business and what you need your systems to be able to do to support these plans.
Once all of the information is collected we will discuss with you our recommendations and provide you with recommendations as to what we think is best for your business based on our experience. At this point, we can also advise you if we can help you with what you need and direct you to the best results and the best solution for you.
Following the FIA you will be much clearer regarding how to proceed regarding integration and you’ll be in a position to make decisions.

What are the Advantages of a Free Integration Assessment?

Experts Make It Easier
We work with business around the world every day which allows us to gather information that can make a massive difference to your business.

How Would You Know?
Your focus is on running your business every day and getting results in what you do well. Our focus each day is helping Business Managers like you get the best out eCommerce Integration. A Free Assessment will expose you to something you probably didn’t know before.

Over 25 years working with software around the world has given us the experience to know what can be done and what will make the best difference to your business.

Lets Shed Some Light
Let’s get under the bonnet of your eCommerce platform and find out what can really be done to make it run more smoothly and help you grow the business that you are looking for.

One Size Does Not Fit All
Your business is unique. The off-the-shelf products may work for some circumstances but they don’t work all the time. We build solutions that work for you and your business.

The Result
We are proud of the results we achieve every day; let’s face it we wouldn’t be in business for 25 years without some happy clients. After the Free Integration Assessment you may become the next happy client of Convergence but even if you don’t you’ll end up with a better running eCommerce business.
Let us help make your business systems talk to each other
We build integrations uniquely suited to your business. Every business has their own quirks, we take yours into account so you need to make minimal change to the way you do things.
Because we are a specialist integration company, we can work effectively on almost any system. The only real linitation being the capabilities of the system itself.
We are confident to say that if an integration is possible, we can do it.