by Mark Presnell | Mar 31, 2019 | Article
Hi there it’s Mark Presnall from Convergence, also known as Mr Integration. When it comes to integration software solutions there are two key architecture models that are used. One is called Point to Point or P2P and the other one is Middleware. Point to Point...
by Mark Presnell | Mar 2, 2019 | Article
Hi there, it’s Mark Presnell from Convergence Limited also known as Mr Integration. At the outset of any integration project it’s important to map out the flow of any business processes you’re planning to automate through the integration. What we do to make that...
by Mark Presnell | Feb 12, 2019 | Article
Hi There, it’s Mark Presnell from Convergence, also known as Mr Integration.Now, you’ve probably invested a significant amount of time and effort, and ultimately cost into getting your business software just right. You’ve probably got customizations and work-arounds...
by Mark Presnell | Feb 6, 2019 | Article
Hi there it’s Mark Presnell from Convergence LImited also known as Mr Integration. I came across an interesting statistic the other day that suggested that only 46% of Belgian retailers were actually actively selling online, so I’m wondering if Australia and New...
by Mark Presnell | Dec 3, 2018 | Article
Hi there, it’s Mark Presnell from Convergence, also known as Mr Integration. Today I have a question for you: Are you running one business or two businesses? A few of our clients have said that before we came in to help them with an eCommerce Integration system they...
by Mark Presnell | Nov 25, 2018 | Article
Hi there, It’s Mark Presnell from Convergence LImited also known as Mr Integration. Christmas; well it’s nearly upon us, and if you are anything like a lot of our clients, then this will be the busiest period of the year for you. This is also the time of the year when...