Hi there it’s Mark Presnell from Convergence LImited also known as Mr Integration.

I came across an interesting statistic the other day that suggested that only 46% of Belgian retailers were actually actively selling online, so I’m wondering if Australia and New Zealand are anything life that, which would suggest that there is still a big gap there between people that are selling in their physical world and those that are selling online.

I am guessing that’s for one of two reasons:

  1. It’s pretty scary to go online with your business and to try and get that right, so that’s a whole challenge in itself getting that right.
  2. If you’re already online and selling you may not be maximising your potential.

People are leaving money on the table by wasting time with manual activities, stock updates, updating prices and keying orders and all of those sorts of things. That’s where we have an opportunity, in fact where we have the biggest opportunity, to improve the profitability of your online business through what we call eCommerce Integration. Basically connecting your online business to your physical business and making sure that data is kept in sync.

If you’re ready to have a chat about that go to mrintegration.com and book a call, you will be talking with myself and we will go through your unique requirements. If you’re not quite ready for that grab a copy of the eBook there and have a read about how you can prepare for an eCommerce Integration and growing your business going forward.  

Mark Presnell

Managing Director
Convergence Limited
© 2019 Convergence Limited

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