Hi There, It’s Mark Presnell from Convergence. Also known as Mr Integration online.
Today I want to talk to you about where to invest money in your business, and in particular your internal business processes.
Do you know exactly how your business processes are performing?
Do you know exactly what it is costing you?
Where you have bottlenecks in those processes that you may or even may not be aware of?
We’ve come up with the use of a software called Timeline PI which is a process mapping software that allows us to display data from your systems in a visual timeline that will show you a process.
For example: from the time that a customer order is received all the way through to when the order is shipped out to the client. It includes individuals steps that might represent bottlenecks where you will see individual orders build up going from green to amber to orange to red and now you can go and tweek that individual step in the process to see how much more of a positive result you would achieve if you performed better in that one step.
How much could the business be saving if we tweeked that one step? then obviously move onto the next step. This kind of insight would normally take you weeks or months to work out using traditional methods and we can do this with existing data out of applications in your organisation using log files, using data, time stamps and using customer data from tracking an order from start to finish.
What we’re offering at the moment is a “Proof of Value”, a thirty day no obligation trial using your actual dataline PI. You can use actual data to track your processes so you can start to see if this might benefit your business and you can see whether this is something you might want to roll out a bit further across your organisation.
If you’d like to know about that send me an email to mark@convergence.co.nz or visit our website. I look forward to hearing from you.
Mark Presnell
Managing Director
Convergence Limited
© 2019 Convergence Limited